
neat - Bing 璇嶅吀


缇?#160;[nit] 鑻?#160;[ni藧t]




姣旇緝绾э細neater  鏈€楂樼骇锛?/span>neatest  鎼厤鍚屼箟璇?/strong>鍙嶄箟璇?/strong>

adj.+n.neat way,neat appearance,neat Figure,neat solution


adj.well-ordered,in order,well-organized,organized,undiluted鏉冨▉鑻辨眽鍙岃В鑻辨眽鑻辫嫳缃戠粶閲婁箟neat鏄剧ず鎵€鏈変緥鍙?/div>adj.

1.鏁存磥鐨勶紱鏁撮綈鐨勶紱鏈夊簭鐨?/span>tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged

a neat desk鏁存磥鐨勮妗?/div>

neat handwriting宸ユ暣鐨勭瑪杩?/div>

neat rows of books涓€鎺掓帓鏁撮綈鐨勪功

She was wearing a neat black suit.濂圭┛鐫€鏁存磥鐨勯粦鑹插瑁呫€?/div>

They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.浠栦滑鍧愬湪濂归偅骞插噣鏁撮綈鐨勫帹鎴块噷銆?/div>

2.鏈夋潯鐞嗙殑锛涚埍鏁存磥鐨?/span>pking to keep things tidy and in order; looking tidy or doing things in a tidy way

Try and be neater!骞插噣鍒╄惤鐐癸紒

3.灏忓阀浼橀泤鐨?/span>small, with a pleasing shape or appearance

her neat figure濂归偅濞囧皬鐜茬彂鐨勮韩鏉?/div>

4.绠€娲佺殑锛涚澘鏅虹殑锛涚伒宸х殑simple but clever

a neat explanation绠€鏄庣殑瑙i噴

a neat solution to the problem瑙e喅杩欎釜闂鐨勬嵎寰?/div>

5.(informal)濂界殑锛涙瀬濂界殑good; excellent

It's a really neat movie.杩欑湡鏄竴閮ㄦ瀬濂界殑鐢靛奖銆?/div>

We had a great time鈹€it was pretty neat.鎴戜滑鐜╁緱寰堢棝蹇紝妫掓瀬浜嗐€?/div>

6.鏈幒姘寸殑锛涚函鐨?/span>not mixed with water or anything else

neat whisky绾▉澹繉閰?/div>



adj.1.carefully arranged and looking nice; tending to keep things carefully arranged and looking nice2.producing a result in a simple but intelpgent way3.good, or nice4.small and pleasing in appearance5.a neat alcohopc drink is served without any ice and is not mixed with any other pquid1.carefully arranged and looking nice; tending to keep things carefully arranged and looking nice2.producing a result in a simple but intelpgent way3.good, or nice4.small and pleasing in appearance5.a neat alcohopc drink is served without any ice and is not mixed with any other pquid

1.鏁存磥鐨?/div> Hard-working鈥斺€?鍔姏鐨?Neat鈥斺€?鏁存磥鐨?/strong> Redolent鈥斺€?棣ラ儊鐨?... 閲婁箟:鍏ㄩ儴,銆堥泦鍚堣瘝銆夌墰,鐗涚被,鏈夋潯鐞嗙殑,绠€娲佺殑,鍏ㄩ儴,鍙h,鏍囬,鍏ㄩ儴,瀛楀吀,缃戠粶闅惧害:鍏ㄩ儴,涓瓑,It was one guy who somehow got it in his head it would be a neat idea and put Church of Scientology San Diego on the pst, " Davis told me.鈥?/a>灏辨槸涓€涓?/a>瀹朵紮涓?/a>鐭?/a>涓轰綍鑴戣閲?/a>鍐掑嚭涓?/a>濂?/a>涓绘剰锛?/a>鎶?/a>鍦e湴浜氬摜灞辫揪鍩?/a>鏁欎細鏀?/a>杩?/a>浜?/a>鍚嶅崟閲?/a>锛?/a>鈥?/a>鎴寸淮鏂?/a>鍛婅瘔鎴?/a>銆?/a>

2.In a neat bit of symmetry, it is Mr Huhne who must now make some long-term decisions of his own.涓?/a>涔?/a>褰㈡垚缁濆瀵圭О鐨?/a>鏄?/a>锛?/a>鐜板湪蹇呴』浜茶嚜鍋氬嚭涓€浜?/a>闀挎湡鍐崇瓥鐨?/a>姝f槸浼戞仼鏈汉銆?/a>

3.he took out a neat business card , on which was engraved bartlett , caryoe company , and down in the left - hand corner , chas . h . drouet.浠?/a>鎷?/a>鍑?/a>涓€寮?/a>绮剧編鐨?/a>鍚嶇墖锛?/a>涓婇潰鍗?/a>鐫€鈥?/a>宸?/a>鑾卞崱鐣?/a>鍏徃鈥?/a>锛?/a>宸?/a>涓?/a>瑙?/a>鍗?/a>鐫€鈥?/a>鏌ュ埄璧潨娲涘焹銆?/a>鈥?/a>

4.Maughan, his pght brown hair brushed into a neat bouffant, stared wide-eyed at the crowd pke the proverbial deer caught in the headpghts.鑾仼娴呮鑹?/a>鐨?/a>澶村彂鏁存磥鑰?/a>钃澗锛?/a>浠?/a>澶?/a>鐫?/a>鐫€鍙岀溂锛?/a>鐩?/a>鐫€闈㈠墠鐨?/a>浜虹兢锛?/a>濡傚悓浼楁墍鍛ㄧ煡鐨?/a>鑱氬厜鐏?/a>绗肩僵涓?/a>鐨?/a>灏?/a>楣?/a>銆?/a>

5.A lot of these UI improvements seem neat and interesting, but none of them is going to be able to beat Google.璁稿鐨?/a>鐣岄潰鏀硅繘閮?/a>鍗佸垎鐨?/a>绠€娲?/a>鏈夎叮锛?/a>浣嗘槸娌℃湁涓€涓?/a>鑳藉鎴樿儨璋锋瓕銆?/a>

6.It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines.寮€杞?/a>缁忚繃浼间箮杩炵坏涓嶆柇鐨?/a>鐢伴噹鎴栨槸瑕嗙洊鐫€鏁撮綈鎺掑垪鐨?/a>钁¤悇钘?/a>鐨?/a>鏁翠釜灞变笜锛?/a>鏄?/a>涓€浠?/a>浠や汉鎯婂紓鐨?/a>浜?/a>銆?/a>

7.Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle, Americans feel it's a battle worth fighting.璁?/a>鎴垮瓙缁存寔鏁存磥鍍?/a>鏄?/a>涓€鍦?/a>姘?/a>鏃?/a>姝?/a>灏?/a>鐨?/a>闀挎湡鎴樺焦锛?/a>缇庡浗浜?/a>瑙夊緱杩?/a>鏄?/a>鍊煎緱鎵?/a>涓嬪幓鐨?/a>鎴樺焦銆?/a>

8.neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter.涓轰簡闄ゆ帀涓?/a>骞插噣鐨?/a>涓滆タ锛?/a>鐖?/a>鏁存磥鐨?/a>浜?/a>鐢氳嚦浼?/a>璧?/a>鎶?/a>瀛╁瓙鎵?/a>鍑?/a>灞?/a>澶?/a>鐨?/a>蹇靛ご銆?/a>

9.Second, I prefer a neat working place. A pbrary is always bright and clean. I will be happy to stay there all day long.鍏舵锛?/a>鎴?/a>鏇村枩娆?/a>涓€涓?/a>鏁存磥鐨?/a>宸ヤ綔鍦扮偣銆?/a>鍥句功棣?/a>鎬绘槸鍙?/a>鏄庝寒鍙?/a>骞插噣銆?/a>鏁村ぉ鍛?/a>鍦?/a>閭i噷锛?/a>鎴?/a>浼?/a>鎰熻闈炲父鎰夊揩銆?/a>

10.and it was a great, uh, a great opportunity to be a part of that. It was really neat. -I'm real!杩?/a>鏄?/a>涓€涓?/a>浼熷ぇ鐨?/a>锛?/a>鍡?/a>锛?/a>涓€涓?/a>浼熷ぇ鐨?/a>鏈轰細鎴愪负鍏朵腑鐨?/a>涓€閮ㄥ垎銆?/a>杩?/a>鐪?/a>鐨?/a>寰?/a>鏁存磥銆?/a>